“Give us the last Chaos Emerald Robuttnic!” Sonic yells from across the room at Dr. Robotnik. The mad scientist and his new allies stand watching down on the hero with glee. Sonic, along with the rest of his new-found friends, don’t share in the sentiment.
Tails speaks up, “Come on Robotnik, don’t you miss home? With all 8 emeralds we can cause Chaos Control and all of us can go back to our own home planets”
Dr. Robotnik laughs, “WOOH OHOHOHOH! And what makes you think we even want to go home?”
A jolly fat penguin wielding a hammer the size of his own body with one hand motions his other hand to the villainous team, “Yeah! Now that we founded this here alliance, nothin’ on this Earth can stop us from takin’ it over”
A young teenage boy plees at them, “But is that more important than never being able to see your family or friends ever again?” His pet and best friend, Pikachu, nods in agreement, “Pika!”
“Hahaha, I’ve got all the friends I need right here” King DeDeDe grabs the handle of his hammer with both hands while bringing it closer to his chest as if getting ready to fight, “And now I can finally rule me a world that will recognize my status as king!”
“You silly penguin,” A short mustached Italian man, Mario, mocks the bird, “no one will ever say you are a king.”
“Is that what you think?” A third villain steps forward from the shadows, wearing an expensive business suit and clean black hair style, “Once we have crushed the spirit out of the last of you, the world will call us what ever we demand” He snaps his fingers. A purple mist engulfs the plateau they are standing on as a Mewtwo wearing metal body armor reveals itself.
“Go ahead and try! Together we can take on anything you throw at us!” Ash, the teen Pokémon trainer digs his back foot into the ground while getting a hand ready to throw one of the pokéballs on his belt.
“Confident, aren’t you? Well then little boy, I think you have been a thorn in my operations long enough. How about we let the world finally see who is truly the most powerful Pokémon trainer? Show me what you got!” He holds up his right hand getting ready to snap his fingers again.
“We’ll all be glad to show you!” Sonic lowers himself resting the tip of his fingers on the ground as if ready to run faster than he has ever ran before.
That is when a ten foot turtle demon finally speaks up. Steam rises from his mouth as he talks, “If we want to go all out then…Jr! Go ahead and show them what we got!”
A squeaker version of the turtle’s voice echoes throughout the room, “OK!” The ground begins to shake as the floor behind the heroes divides into two revealing a massive hole, and allowing something to rise.
Ash tries to not lose his balance as if an earthquake is suddenly happening, “What is that?!”
Mario watches it rise as its head reaches the ceiling, “Mamma mia!! It’s the machine I warned you all about, Meca-Bowser!”
Dr. Robotnik jumps into his hover craft laughing maniacally, “Not so confident any more are you? Best of all, you fools were kind enough to deliver to me the last of the Chaos Emeralds so I can finally channel their awesome power for us to take over this miserable planet. With all of us united we can’t lose! At long last, all authority, riches, dominance, and recognition will be ours! So make it easy on yourselves, drop the emeralds and surrender!”
Sonic grins, “Keep on dreamin’ Robuttnik!” He holds up two of the emeralds causing them to glow, “We are going to get home, even if that means if we have to beat you and your lackies.”
King DeDeDe braces for what’s to come, “It looks like then what we got here…is a Stand-Off!”
Bowser lifts his head into the air roaring out a stream of fire, “Let’s end this!”
In Clash of the Worlds each player chooses a side to play on: Dr. Robotnik/Eggman, Giovanni, King DeDeDe, Bowser, or the Heroes. This means it is possible to play a game with only the Villains or only the Heroes – don’t be afraid to just pick your favorites! Then the players use their side’s unique characters to try to win the game by one of three ways: Defeat all the other players in combat, capture all bases, or gather all the Chaos Emeralds.
The bad guys are each their own side because rarely do the insane work well together; however, in this game anything is possible! When you choose a villain you are limited to only their units and unique cards; in addition, if your Boss gets defeated you lose no matter what! But you also get the bonus of minions and “Finale” cards which is when you unleash your master plan. All of which makes it much harder to defeat a Boss than any hero wannabe.
The good guys are known to put aside their differences for the good of keeping the peace; however, in this game even once friends can become enemies! When you choose heroes, you pick to start with Sonic, Ash & Pickachu, Kirby, or Mario, then you can pick from a variety of different heroes from any world! This can make for some interesting combos, and you get access to Event Cards which will help you surprise your foes. Best of all, even if your main hero goes down, you don’t lose! The downside is you don’t have the mad-money that villains seem to always easily get, which can make buying things a real challenge.
Number of Players: 2-8
Playtime: 3-6 Hours
Recommended Age: 12+
Complexity: Extreme! Learning this game is not for the faint of heart, check out the You Tube video for a tutorial and sample game play.
Clash of the World is a free to Download and Play game since it is so full of Copyrighted material, we don’t think we will be able to get all the rights to what we need anytime soon. So with that said *ahem*: “All characters, names, and artwork, are Copyrighted by their respective owners and are not to be reproduced for profit or revenue. All Intellectual Property is owned by their respective owners.”
Ok – with that out of the way, below you can download the rules, materials, and instructions for how to put the game together. Still confused? Don’t worry, we are working on You Tube videos with instructions on how to put it together, play, and answer common questions.
One question might be, “If you can’t sell it, why did you make it?”
Answer from the creator, Steven: “I started creating this game as a fan who kept asking, ‘What would happen if Giovanni did finally fight Ash? Or better yet, what if he fought against Sonic? What if Dr. Robotnik fought against Ash?’ That is when the flood gates opened. Over the period of several years I spent hundreds of hours looking for artwork, making the rule book over twenty times, and worst of all – making all of the individual pieces / cards (iteration after iteration). My earliest records of the game go back to 2008 and seriously worked on it up till 2012. Why? Because this was the first complex game my friends said, ‘Lets play it again!’ And that really inspired me! So while I am on to other things, I want others to enjoy this great game just as much as my friends and I have. And who knows, if people like it enough, maybe I’ll make an expansion to it someday.”